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Let's Take A Glimpse Of Cosmic Krishna.

Hello Readers, November's blog gonna be very interesting because it links with those deep threads of Hindutva & the deepness of Sanatan Dharma, Today we'll go back in Krishna's time somehow virtually through this blog but before all this, we have to throw away all the causticity, jealousy, anger, conflicts with each other, negativity & our lower self within us before proceeding each and every word of this blog.

                                                        Universe inside krishna's mouth

From today about 5000 years ago on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Shri Krishna got the whole human race to see his True form or Virat roop (universal form) through Arjun, But unfortunately, we didn't have that divine vision for understanding that universal form. That's why today's man started doing blind devotion & the religion which got the gift of life, today life is being washed away in the name of the same, But the good people were still left who had some fractions of that divine vision who even tried to convince us even after this today's human could not understand a bit of that divine knowledge. If even today's humans do not try to understand that actually who Krishna is & his divine knowledge so the end will be over soon. If humans actually understand by themselves that who is Krishna after all? so that we can realize the reality of that supreme soul so that dharma or brotherhood can be re-established. Whatever I have realized a little bit, I will try to explain it to you & when I am not able to explain it simply or properly then I'll seek knowledge from holy books. Today if you can understand even 1% of the reality of Krishna then your way of looking & thinking about him will change forever.

                            Krishna Giving universal knowledge to Arjun as Universal Form

After getting all the knowledge from Krishna, Arjun asked him

हे योगराज योगियों में श्रेष्ठ मैं आपको किस रूप में जानू  II  हे नारायण किस रूप में मैं आपका ध्यान करुं

आपकी अमृतवाणी सुन के पशचात भी मैं संतुष्ट नहीं हुआ II इसलिये हे प्रभु कृपा मुझे अपने वस्‍विक रूप के दर्शन करवाये II

After hearing arjun, krishna said

रूप मेरे अनंत है अर्जुन कोई एक वास्‍तविक नहीं II कृष्ण कहते हैं की उनको पंच तत्व वाले शारिर में कैद नहीं किया जा सकता II मानव इंद्रियो से उनके वस्तिबिक रूप को देखना नामुमकिन है II

क्योंकि वास्तव में उनका कोई एक रूप है ही नहीं II उनके निराकार रूप का तो बस एहसास ही किया जा सकता है II और वो भी मन की आंख से II

But that feeling is not easy to get for Arjun, that's why krishna tolds arjun.

हे कौन्तेय II मैं सभी प्रणियों के हरिदय में स्थिति आत्मा हूं II मैं ही सबी प्रणियो का आरंभ मध्य और अंत हुं II

देवों में मैं इंद्र हूं II 

गंधर्वों में जैतरथ भी मैं ही हूं II

सिंह हूं मैं पाशुओ के समक्ष तथा पर्वत राज हिमालय मैं ही हुं II

मैं ब्रम्हांड का आरंभ, मध्य और अंत हूं II

मैं सब में हूं पार्थ और सब मैं ही हूं II

But Arjun was still not satisfied, After this Arjun said to Shri Krishan, Now i want to see your divine form exactly as you described it & if you think it is possible then please show me.

After this shri krishna gave divine sight to Arjuna & got interviewed with his universal form.

तत्रैकस्थं जगत्कृत्स्नं प्रविभक्तमनेकधा।

अपश्यदेवदेवस्य शरीरे पाण्डवस्तदा।।

अर्थात- उन देवों के देव के अंदर पांडव पुत्र को एक साथ पुरा ब्रम्हाण्ड दीखा II

After this, Arjun folded his hands in front of shri krishna & said


अनेकादिव्याभरणं दिव्यानेकोद्यतायुधम।।

अर्थात- हे विश्व स्वरूप आप मुझे हर जगह नजर आ रहे हैं, अंगिनत भुजाओ सर और मुखो के साथ लेकिन ना ही मुझे आपका शुरुआत कहीं नजर आ रही है ना ही मध्य और ना ही अंत.

So, what actually universal form is?

Is the reality of GOD only a thousand hands & heads?


But I am sad that most people have only understood him at this. Actually, universal form means to see GOD in all things & beings. I explain you. Vishav means World & Roop means Shape.

Its real meaning is to see the whole universe as a divine GOD. But because we didn't have a divine vision. So, the sculptor & artist could not understand this & depicted GOD with thousand hands & heads. Arjun has just realized that everything is one. Those thousands of thousands of hands or heads were not of one person.

It means there is only one consciousness that is present everywhere in this universe. The universal form of GOD represents unity & a state of absolute bliss, enlightenment.

In every religion, we find this description.

Shankracharya Ji used to call it the feeling of duality (अद्वैत का एहसास)

Christians call it Christ consciousness.

Bodh used to call it Budhatava.

The name are many but the meaning is the same. In fact, it is ignorance to see yourself as different from the rest. To think of others as ignorant & foolish is ignorance. Whether it is a mouse & king, stone & diamond. The same consciousness is present in all. I always call that consciousness as SUPREME SHIVA.

When you see the artwork of GOD. So, what do you see? Obviously, Shiva, Ganesh, Inder, Surya & all of them have different faces but their heart & consciousness is one who is called in Vedas as supreme Brahma. This is also what we also called supreme shiva. This is the supreme energy that is worshiped by all religions. This energy is like an ocean & we are just a wave of it. Just like water, it can take any shape but water will remain water. In the same way, we are all, trees plants, animals & everything.

                                                          Feel The Cosmic Krishna\

0:07- Arjun doesn't want to fight against his own relatives 0:12 - Krishna gives knowledge of Bhagwat Geeta to Arjun & at that moment time also stops. 0:20 - Arjun gets Divya Drishti 0:28 - Krishna shows he is Kal Destroyer, maintainer & creator/ The source of everything Supreme being 0:44 - Krishna shows universal form/ whole creation in him.

0:57- Arjun ready to fight battle of Kurukshetra

Our universe is just a wave in that ocean that will eventually end up in it. But even then our mind out of ignorance keeps on creating ambivalence in all things for this reason jealousy, anger, attachment, crime arise. But when we accept that unity, then dharma & brotherhood emerge. Where the eternal unity of the soul is the acceptance of all moral teachings. You & Me are not friends & all, in fact, you & I are same. realization of the universal form is the highest awakening.

when all types of differences become invisible, It's a wonderful feeling, when we attain unity and there is only one left, All these inter-division, limits are all over & just a great sense of unity left. A wonderful similarity felt within us with nature & everything. You stop to see yourself as a body. You start to feel that everything is merging into each other. All kinds of perforations are at the ending, The only thing that remains is the feeling of unity. This realization is actually the feeling of universal form & this is the reality of GOD.

Sources: One & Only (श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता)


  1. loved your content, and beautifully explained specially this line " the realization of the universal form is the highest awakening "


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