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Quantum Mechanics-Technical Limit Of Science

Why Quantum Mechanics Still Stumps Physicists | Discover Magazine

Hello Readers, This is Anshul Singh & I am going to publish my blog related to a very vast topic with deep science phenomena if you don't know about quantum physics or mechanics then I must say don't waste your precious moments eventually time for reading this topic. This blog is going to be very interesting for science or space lovers. so buckle up guys lets begin. 

Not indirectly but directly it means nothing is solid in this universe (actually). I know it sound's weird
but according to this theory. If you are reading this blog from your home or native place and imagining another place in your mind i.e school, college your favorite place whatever it is doesn't exist at the same time. It only exists in the waveform, not in solid form. Let's understand it with an example, what, when I say the phone in your hand right now by which you are reading this blog, is a phone but side by side it is also a BRICK. Read it once again!!! At the same time, your phone is a PHONE is actually a PHONE but also a BRICK itself simultaneously.

I hope people with interests are not weird after reading the above lines. In this blog, we are going to discuss the principles of quantum mechanics. which proves the above lines correctly.

#1 Solidity Is An Illusion.

This Theoretical fact is too interesting, so it can give you shock literally. Our universe is very picturesque and odd I must say. We saw the normal world or universe as it actually is but if we zoom in any particle or element of this universe. Then you will tend to observe a different world or a universe in that object/particle/element. Let us understand it with an example. Imagine a stone in your hand alright then if you saw the detailed image of that stone detailed image means a zoomed-in image then you will see the image surface clearly or detailed like surface crests or turfs, color and you will observe too many things which cannot be seen from normal sight & if you zoom in the image of stone's surface for some time more or you zoom into the last stage of zooming. You will observe something like this. In this image, the actual image of an atom appears.


Have you ever seen an atom? - YouTube
Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles have found a way to create stunningly detailed 3D reconstructing of platinum nanoparticles at an atom

Atoms also consist of  Electrons(e-), Protons(e+), Neutrons

Atomic structure - WGHS Junior Science
           An Atom Structure

I am definitely sure that you have studied or read about electrons, protons & neutrons once in your school time or either on the internet. So, back to the topic if you further zoom beyond these particles and you will saw further detailed particles. Now the questions arise.
                                                                     - How much we can zoom in to something?
                                                                     - What is the limit to it or what is last?
                                                                     - The point from where we cant further zoom anymore?

Have you ever think about it. So if we further zoom in beyond atoms or particles which we have discussed or seen before. But when zoomed in beyond these particles zoom in to intense depth you will find A QUARK. (Which is the smallest particle ever discovered) & zoom in further beyond the quark particles. At this stage, the only thing exists is Energy in the form of WAVE.

Physics Waves Animated Gifs at Best Animations
Energy In The Form Of Waves

It means at the very basic level nothing is solid in this universe because the essence of this universe is not solid. It is actually energy in the form of waves (refer to beginning).

SOLIDITY IS AN ILLUSION a famous quote of the science world (quantum science). We will know about this only after scanning the reality of this universe scanning means to study deeply.
Let's come back to our normal world no one can discourage that everything that you can saw in this universe, you actually saw the quantum world means intense zoom in the world & study of this world called the quantum mechanics. You can saw the things solid in this universe. but at the basic level, it's not actually solid. Only your mind shows the things to you in a solid phase. Means at the zoom-in level the principles applied in this universe are also applied in our normal world. For example- 
.A big house is made up by joining with every single brick or solidity of the house depends upon the solidity of every brick used to build that house.

The laws of nature break when you enter a quantum world means those laws of nature which are applied on every single particle in this universe are actually do not work in the quantum world to the same particles of the universe.

Laws of the quantum world are applied in the universe but at the same time laws of nature in the normal universe are not applied in the quantum world or also regulates the atoms, quarks in a quantum world or also applied in the actual world but our mind shows this universe to us with a completely different way but real reality can be understood after understanding the quantum world.
Now, I will let you know about the quantum world by discussing or understanding some principles of QUANTUM MECHANICS.


When two particles come in contact with each other then they make an entangled relationship with each other. Suppose a particle named T@G or other particle named L@G and they come in contact with each other once for a while at the quantum level and then after this if you send one particle very very far away from each other. Now those two particles are physically very very far away from each other. Now our common sense says those two particles are no more physically connected to each other at all or they are very much far away from each other meaning leads to they do not affect each other physically at all now. Commonly it happens in a normal universe but in a quantum world according to quantum mechanics entanglement named this phenomenon says if one particle 1,00,000 KM away rotating clockwise at the same time another particle will start rotating anticlockwise at the same time. It means one particle affects another particle at the exact same time no matter the distance between them is million or billion kilometers. we don't know how it happens but sure it actually happens.
Simply at the quantum level, every particle in this universe is connected to each other means we are also connected to each other no matter how much distance in between us. we all are connected to each other not at the physical level but at the very basic level of this universe.

At the basic level you think about someone/person it will affect that person no matter how much distance is between them. Scientists never found that how it happens. But it is actually happening.
In July 2019 scientists gave the first-ever image proof of two entangled particles. Which makes the quantum entanglement from fiction to real fact.

Scientists photograph 'spooky' quantum entanglement for the first ...
Photograph Of First two Entangled Particles

Here we discuss the physical duality of wave and particle. It shows that a solid matter or called particle exists in two states physical as particle or energy as wave state means it is visible and also invisible at the same time depends upon the presence of an observer simply means an electron (e-)
is at its particle or wave state & visible or invisible at the same time depends upon someone watching them or not.

In MAHABHARATA Lord KRISHNA had the ability to a presence in two places at the same time. According to SHREEMADBHAGWAT GEETA. Most scientists believe that this was possible due to quantum physical duality. It is just a theory to relate science to ancient times.


According to the famous physicist HENRY STAPP. He deeply believed in this controversial theory including me. According to the theory, consciousness is so powerful that it can create imaginations in the mind. Back to the previous topic wave-particle duality. It means this universe always exists in waveform but when an observer comes like a man or any living being than those waves collapse into solid matter.
                    For Example-
                                          If you are reading this blog from your home or native place and imagining another place in your mind i.e school, college your favorite place whatever it is doesn't exist at the same time. It only exists in the waveform, not in solid form. But when you actually observe the building at the real-time then waves of energy converts to particle state due to observer appears.
you observe the building that's why it comes into a solid form from wave energy form. Your conscious mind is so powerful that it converts wave energy to solid matter particles and results given in front of your eyes in the form of the solid building.

That's why some peoples believe that your thinking can change this. you can definitely change the world by the power of your conscious mind or its imagination. Just because you observe the electrons quote and quote. Due to this observation that energy in the form of wave converts in solid matter particle form.

It simply means that Law Of Attraction or Quantum Mechanics deeply correlate actually.

#5 Time Isn't Real Theory.

According to theoretical physicist CARLO ROVELLI in his book ''THE ORDER OF TIME'' States that time actually doesn't exist means at the ↚quantum level this universe can be explained without the existence of time. ROVELLI wrote in his book that we assumed that time is continuously moving forward by watching events in front of our eyes or world is moving forward by watching. Everything is happening by pasting time under the principle of cause and effect in a linear way. But!!! According to quantum mechanics its all an illusion. It says everything happening in this world is not happening in a linear way but happening in random order. But our brain shows us that everything happening in a linear one by one order.

Actually &^Eventually this universe is the collection of random events and random happenings

When time passes in a linear way

A baby born → He Grew Up → He Goes To School → Then In College → Job → Marriage → Kids

→ Old Age → Death.

But Quantum Order Is This

You Married → Old Age → Then In College → Born → No One

I know it sounds weird or doesn't make any sense at all. But this actually happens when we actually apply quantum principles in the real universe or quantum world and thus quantum world shows the reality of our universe.

#Multiple Worlds And Quantum Immortality.

According to fiction theory multiple worlds hypothesis. It says that there are infinite other universes are exist side by side properly explained in MULTIVERSE THEORY that there are multiples universes exist which are a copy of one another but their versions are different and also have different situations means the laws which are observed in our universe may not exist in another universe means if you are a rich person in one universe then you must be poor in another universe. In one universe you are a human or in another universe, you are an animal. You can think about yourself or how many possibilities you can imagine can exists actually from one of all the universes. means your other version also exists in another life or in another universe and all this connected with you at a very basic level.

It can explain our dreams or astral travels. It shows that dreams are not really dreams but they are real experiences of another universe that we can saw in the form of a dream.

HUGH EVERETT who creates a multiverse theory. According to him if many possibilities exist or a multiverse also exists then there is a universe exists in which no one dies. This is also imagination, variation or possibility. Everett Also Believed that conscious observer means you and me never dies but jumps from one to another universe. When we left this universe means if a person dies today in our universe means he or she lefts this universe but actually he goes into another universe. So it believed that quantum mechanics kind off explain the debated topics like REBIRTH & REBORN.



This fact definitely gives you a shock, you know very well that your today's decisions affect your future means if you eat too much unhealthy food today this will affects your health in the future but in quantum mechanics explained by Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment. Scientists found that your future affects your past. This is really a mind-blowing fact which shows that prediction of the future is scientifically TRUE can be properly explained by the biggest experiment of history of science world called DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT. I said mind blowing because this experiment gives question mark (?) on the existence of this universe or how it forms or works.

In this experiment, there is a gun, double slit, and one board.

Double-slit experiment - Wikipedia
Young's Duble Slit Experiment
When electrons are fired from the gun they travel in form of particles but when they passed through slits they formed as wave and make the wave-like structure on the board means the solid matter is not actually solid it becomes invisible waveform as explained in topic wave-particle duality or particle duality topic refers to #2.

It also believed that this universe is created by the energy that's why when we studied electrons then exactly they show us their reality so if electrons are normally shot bypassing the slits then after passing through the slits they behave like an invisible wave-like structure and shows on the board in a waveform but when an observer comes with naked eyes like conscious observer like human saw this happening. At that time electrons behave like normals they shot from the gun as electrons and passed through the slit and forms on the board in the form of electrons. But when no one observes them then they behave like particles or waves. It means our act of observing decides how they have shown us whether in wave or particle form.
If the observer is present then electrons behave normally as they are
When no observer exists electrons transformed in the form of a wave.

Remember It wrote before when you imagine your college from home. It Doesn't exist but in the form of a wave of energy. But when you exactly observe it appears in solid form.

Now, The main question arrives if an observer hides or closes eyes in another side of slit and suddenly open eyes then what happens because there is no observer in another side of the slit (left) means electrons normally come in the waveform but if observer open eyes in mid of the experiment then amazingly they are shown as particle form at another side of the slit to the observer. But common sense said it comes in waveform because there is no observer at other (left) side of slit but another side of slit have an observer (right) then they also seen as in waveform because the slit is only the place where electrons can change their form whether in wave or in a particle state. But electrons can't change their state after passing slit once due to presence of an observer on (right) side of the slit or observer open eyes suddenly then they showed up as only in particle state means those particles travel back in time when they shot from gun then they exist only in normal particle state and also exists in particle state after passing through the slit whether no observer in at the left side of the slit and show up to (right) observer in a particle state.


when the eyes of the (right) observer are closed the particles shot from the gun pass through a slit and comes in waveform but when the observer observes particles travel back in time and passes through a slit in normal particle form.

There is an observer and this thing change the past of observer like when particles shot and particles traveled in the form of particles after passing slit also likewise they already know that someone is going to observe them in future so they change the past.

This part is paradox like but difficult to understand I'll post related animated videos refer to Information, Books, Articles  so you can understands this well

In one line this experiment of quantum mechanics States That Your Future Can Change Your Past.

For Example- You are a little boy/girl right now and you're going to be a super success in the future and from now people tend to feel you are going to succeed in the future.

Right now whoever has negative thinking towards you when you got success then literally your past changes and same people changes in future. That doesn't mean they changed their mindset after watching your success. NOT AT ALL. But in the first place if you go back in the past (time travel) they do not have any negative thinking towards you in the first place. It like shifting in other reality.
The people never changed but your whole past changed or you come in other reality. In which those people never ever have negative thinking towards you called Reality Shifting. By this, you can imagine the deepness of quantum physics.

There is another fact that shows LOVE is only the thing that is beyond space or time. the thing which connects to each other. HOLD UP I am not talking about chemical/hormonal love or never ever about hormonal love. I am talking about real LOVE, Physics believes that Love Is That Super Natural Power Named As GOD. Who connects all things with each other and this love is beyond electrons, quarks & strings or also beyond GOD particles. That Power Connects Each And Everything TogetherIn Form Of Love.

In quantum mechanics, there is a theory called the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY. According to this theory. there is a consciousness exists in this universe who connects everything You can call it GOD.
Scientists can't explain this theory properly because we never know what exists beyond this universe. That's why science and I personally also believe or definitely sure that consciousness exists in this universe. Who connects every particle with each other. Because we know about the finite universe not infinite. We can imagine that it will be infinite but we are not sure or we can explore this finite universe may be universe exists in a container-managed by an advanced civilization. we can only explore that universe which has a boundary with a wall of that container in which the whole universe exists this is also an image we never know that what exists beyond the boundary walls of that container. Our mind is also finite to a finite level means our brain is designed like that so it has some limitations but mind and imaginations don't have. but we can imagine that there is a lot of space & space beyond this universe

Apart from all this How a human behaves when he/she was alone. and behaves when in public.
Change in behavior when someone observes them or quantum particles behaves the same when no one watching them they change behavior and acts as the solid particle form.

Preferred Books

Advanced Quantum Mechanics | SpringerLink

Principles of Quantum Mechanics - Wikipedia

The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli - Penguin Books Australia

Buy The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes ...

 Thank You.
  Readers For Giving Your Valuable Time. I Hope After Understanding This Blog Your Mind Got       Many Imaginations Towards Deep Science Of This Universe Comment Below To Give Your Views.


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