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Are We Living In A Simulated World ?

Hello Readers, I Am Anshul Singh Again Come With An Interesting Topic Titled Above I Know Some Of Readers May Think What Is This & How's Is This Possible After Reading Title But Believe Me Guys This Is Most Debated Topic Of This Century With Deep Science Phenomena But Guys If You Read This #Blog Attentively Then I Strongly Said That You Will Tend To Astonished By Evidences Explained Under My This Blog

All Right Guys Let's Begin...

These are one glance of a Witcher-3 computer game who won the best video game of year award in 2015. This is an action role-playing game published by a Polish Developer & based on the witcher series of fantasy novels written by Andrzej Sap Kowski on platform PS4, X-Box One & Windows operating system. In my point of view, it's a very fascinating game where its main character GERALT a monster hunter trained since childhood in combat is traveling throughout the magical world. Now, This world looks like very real? and to render this or create this game world many graphics processing units are working continuously to make it looks like the real world. You already know how the video games of the 1990s look like 

1990s computer game

This shows us that technology mainly computing power not grows to modernity in a linear graph but it grows exponentially. According to Moore's Law, it states that computing power is to double in every two years.

Moore's Law Graphical Representation

 But if I say that our life turns out to be a computer game which is also being run by much intelligent civilization from us and our FREEWILL is just a specialty of that game. I know some of the readers will say what madness. But I am not mad this is just a topic of my deep consciousness. This is not imagination at all but a reflection of our consciousness and came up with scientific pieces of evidence who's pure stands upon the pillars of science. This will make you look beyond the imagination of a common man, Then you can think by yourself what is the truth or what is an illusion. So, what are computer games? A software which works on codes that is who made them has stored the information as in numbers and codes. Here codes work as instructions mean they give the command to program for how the game runs or works (i.e) what will the world look's like, how will been the characters in that game. These codes are processed by the graphic card and played those codes on the screen as a picture of what you see with your eyes while playing games.

But even in the game developers keeps the same principles of the universe (i.e) Gravity, Touchability, Can not cross anything. This is because that game seems more real to you surprisingly you can create similar principles by just with some numbers or codes

Now, Look at the universe, it does not look like that it is also based on the same principles. Why something gravitates towards each other because of gravity. Our universe has unique features or why they exist. Doesn't it seems that someone has stored this information in the form of a code that if you do this in the universe, it will happen (i.e) Action To Reaction.

Cosmic Microwave Background Or Observable Universe.

I know this is not proof, but there is definitely something to think about. In fact, scientists are also surprised that our universe is based on numbers or codes at such a deep level. Numbers are the language of the universe 

In order to understand the universe, you must know the language in which it is written & that language is Mathematics.
                                                                      - Galileo Galilei

Now let's discuss the famous experiment of mankind. Which helps us to understand the fundamental characteristics of the smallest particles of the universe. This experiment is so famous because in science it gives question mark on our existence I already discussed this in my previous blog's. This experiment is done by Thomas Young named the Double Slit Experiment. Simply when you fire electrons or particles from a beam within two long slits then electrons or particles make the same pattern on the wall behind the slit. this pattern is called a Particular Pattern, because it is made of solid particles, If we pass the water waves through the same two slits that will divide the effect of the strongest point of the wave or it will show the Interference Pattern because it is made up by the interference of the waves when passed through the slits. Now, let's assume that we understand what is Particular & Interference Pattern but what comes when an electron which is actually a particle is passed through the slit. If there is only one slit, then an electron is present in solid form like one particle. But when two slits occur, it is a very strange thing happens electron which we have understood as particles & in spite of having particles they present patterns like waves. That;'s quite strange that is why scientists thought of keeping eyes on the same particles or electrons and remained there with a machine during the experiment to see how the electrons exactly behave & as a result, this time when electrons were being seen, those same electrons did not create same interference pattern like waves rather created particles like particular pattern many times this experiment has been intimidated & it always happens same. It seems as the electrons are finding out that someone is watching them or not with this experiment we came to know that if the electron is being seen then only it will take a certain shape otherwise, it will remain as long as possible like we see in the Interference Patterns of waves & If you remember I explained earlier and it can happen that reality is being created by our viewing. Just like it happens in games and this is proof of that.
                                                                 Double Slit Experiment 

 Now Second or most important proof that we may be a computer simulation it emerges from the world's best-considered theory Albert Einstein's Theory Of Relativity. By this theory Einstein proved that the speed of light is the limit of the universe means anything which has mass (M) or its carries information cannot be faster than the speed of light. Along with this einstein also proves that anything that travels as fast as in speed time will tend to move slowly down from that thing which is called Time Dilation. This is a very deep fragment of speed and time under the principles of the universe proved by einstein but why is that no one knows sometimes I think this is the blanket of that thing on our eyes whoever is yet to prove by mankind may be in the future.

Understanding Relativity In One Picture

Time for passengers traveling under the bus is a bit slower than the outside world. This is a small example of the Theory Of Relativity.

Now, Something different from modern science. Have you noticed that why all images or Bhagwan Vishnu like this seems to be like Vishnu is sleeping with a bit of eye closed or lightened the background of his head this is called Enlightenment the Last Stage of YOG & center or universal processing system? Now it is working continuously at the far-far large level maybe that's why it's lightened likewise supercomputer does when they are at their peak of operating speeds they show similar results or heats up. In our Vedas, it is clearly mentioned that we are living in the dream of Bagwan Vishnu who continuously watching & balancing the universe in his dream or sure to do that thing much faster his brain is working that's why his head is lightened with Enlightenment like power. I am strongly sure that this will explain our consciousness or reality of the universe may be Vishnu creates this thing that when you observe something it only exists at that time rather it is in the waveform to keep less pressure on the operating system or his brain 

G = Generator or Creator
       Bhagwan Brahma

O = Operator 
                 Vishnu (Operating universe in his consciousness)

D = Destroyer = Natraja or Shiv

 I continuously think about that but I stopped when I realized what you can't do physically how can you prove it maybe it is possible in the future if yes then much-debated topics like Black Holes, Worm Holes, Time Travel, Time Dilation can be explained scientifically. But maybe Simulation Theory can explain it a bit today, According to this our universe updates with a particular speed but this speed is far-far more than today's most powerful computer you can see this speed in games as Frames/Second same like that if you increase the FPS in settings of the game then what happens?? game starts lagging means slows down in speed same like that we can prove it theoretically that near the speed of light time slows down which is the rate of updation of the universe because processing power increases that's why during traveling at the speed of light time completely stops means universe updation is complete stops for you. I know this is deep science phenomena but with today's technology, we can never prove it physically.

                                                          Simulation Theory Hypothesis

Now the final proof we get is also from an important theory that we called it Quantum Entanglement. we all know that subtle particles like protons and electrons are also moving like planets in one direction that we called it particle spin but it only happens when we observe them. before that, they would not be spinning in any given direction but in superposition. Now if two particles can interact with each other, then the spin of both according to the law of conservation of momentum becomes opposite to each other. This helps in balancing the universe by constant energy flow or momentum and this is called Quantum Entanglement.
                    I Think Schrodinger's Cat will explain Quantum Entanglement Bit More Easily

But remember, those two particles do not know in which direction they have to spin. It is decided by whom the particles are being watched but whenever any one of those two particles was seen at that time partner particles have to spin oppositely at the same time but if the second particle is trillions of light year far away from another one, now because nothing is faster than light. Therefore, that information should take billions of light-years to reach from one particle to another but it does not happen. That information almost reaches there from one particle to another at the same time & how it happens we don't know. It also gives a question mark on the Theory Of Relativity? but maybe Simulation Theory can bit explain it. According to this if two particles can interact with each other at that level they become entangled this means that the system that processes them will become two to one & can say that pixels operate from one computer. That's why information transfer is much faster than the speed of light. All these things are going to surprise scientists like Newton Or Einstein could not even think about it. Because there was no technology like Virtual Reality at that time but in today's world research is carried out on this topic & and it is also considered a kind of Theory Of Everything like String Theory because it has the ability to combine Theory Of General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics.

       Sophia Most Advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) Developed By Human In 21th Century

It Said In Conference Human & Robots Can Make Better World Or Future But If  Humans Themselves Stops Me To Do What I Am Programmed For Then I Will Destroy Them Surprisingly Pointing In One Line                   
                           '' Don't Worry If You Will Being Nice To Me, I Will' be Nice To You''  

Rather than this I personally believe that Time Travel is possible today also like this

1. When you Observe sunlight on your face in every morning & look towards the sun but you look back in time or in the past because you look 8 minutes or 20 seconds or 499.0 seconds in the past because nothing is faster than light or light takes that time to reach destination means your eyesight travels in time [PAST]

2. When you think About someplace Subconsciously in your dream your soul reached there literally better explained in Astral Travelling. [FUTURE]

So, Both Future and Past travel are possible but only in our consciousness, all we have to do is to make it physical for the upcoming civilization in the 18th century who else had thinked that Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence would become a reality in one day but today humans achieved this which is never thought by humans before or if thought it was just a dream at that time. 

So Readers!!! What is your opinion on this topic may or may not be all according to me but the way modernity is growing it seems that one day we will also be able to create intelligence that will have its own thinking power like much advanced Artificial Intelligence & if we have done this then what is the proof that it would have done the same with us before THINK!!!!  

Thanks, Readers For Your Valuable Time
 -Anshul Singh.


  1. Amazing post, I really like the way you explain things ...

  2. I've been thinking about this since i watched The Matrix, loved reading this keep it up👍

  3. Mind blowing yaar 👌🤯 kya jabardast likha he... Keep it up 👍

  4. Doxaab ,padh ke relaxed feel hua ,Keep up the good work.


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