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2021 Extra Dimensional Brainwave.

Hello, Readers, No intro to this string. It might be a brainwave to you for 2021 for changing your view regarding Life & Death. This Blog; just shows how minuscule we are as compared to the Stars, Galaxies & Universes. But we have an incredible life and we should make the most out of it. We can connect our open mind or consciousness with the universe and realize how we belong to it, but still are so insignificant. I strongly believe that this Blog can truly open your eyes and change your life by allowing you to see the harsh truth and reality of the world. Also, it will help you know what is the real purpose of life as human creation and mankind based upon observations, research & analysis. Life and death may be more mysterious or strange than we ever thought about them.

So, Readers, you will get the above line more clearly when you go through the complete blog ahead.

Buckle Up!!! Let's Begin...

Whenever I look up towards the night sky, I got only one thought in my mind that how wonderful our universe is, how would such an amazing thing be created. According to science one such incident from the point by short of space all particles and energy that we see now is excreated outside as matter from that point to infinity in form of a blast which we called Big-Bang. Thereafter that excreated matter and energy started spreading rapidly & they also get colder with time and then after one lakh years those matter particles or energy gets too colder that they can combine to make large balls of fire or magma whom we called Stars now after that these stars got own energy by nuclear fusion & become huge clusters stones are also born in space with these clusters and they started colliding with each other due to gravity then they make planets by there collision and then they together make galaxies mother earth is part of that infinite matter of clusters then after 4.5 billion years of earth's birth life was first observed in earth's water thereafter 3.5 billion years after humans originate on earth who are just trying to live a good life.

                                           Life Brings In Water. According To Hindu Religion

But, Is this the end of the universe? Why and how will the universe end.

It always believed that everything pulled towards each other due to gravity once the whole universe would collapse in itself resulting in Big Crunch & all will end a decade before it always believed that only Big Crunch will responsible for the end of the universe but after two decades when Big Crunch theory was given a new hypothetical theory was raised when such an invisible and unknown power was felt (Dark Energy) whom continuously expanding the universe probably space and changes the perception to ending of the universe that universe will not die or end by Big Crunch but it will definitely end by slowly in complete silence. If we could imagine that time today so, when we look up in the night sky then we'll see darkness everywhere gone too much deep

I don't know about your view but when I still see the night sky I definitely got goosebumps....... Even in cold heat starts we not just looking at a black sheet rather we are watching the universe directly from ourselves just watch the night sky for a while and you will start observing deeply that moon is just a big stone circling the earth, Sun is the very violent ball of Plasma or Gas who has apparently burnt the atmosphere of their nearby planets i.e Venus & Mercury not even spared Mars only we left because we were lucky that magnetic field of our earth saved us. Those bright dots that I see in the night sky are also huge and violent gas balls like the sun who are swimming in blank, infinite space and that 2nd unknown biggest dot are the center of our galaxy Milky Way where all stars are revolving around the huge Black Hole. There is a lot here too many things happening together in this universe. All I can say one thing it will destroy complete earth anytime there are comets, asteroids, or one of the star nearby who will become a black hole very soon (Betelguese) & when this happens the dying star will stroke a powerful radiation jet towards the earth and special thing is that we will not even know when it happens we will be scattered in parts in a fraction of seconds if we have a good destiny which we still had even then we will be able to avoid death just for few moments. Because neither the earth is immortal nor our sun also not all galaxies or every string of the universe including the universe also those who have been there for billions of years, all are going to end one day.

                                                         Where We Stand's In This Universe

i,e like a worm crossing a busy road because there is traffic on that road and people are walking that's why the worm will able to survive till then unless that worm is in the wrong place at the wrong time, Nobody has come to kill that worm on that road nor is anyone's eye on that worm the road was before the birth of that insect and it will remain even after worm's death it does not care that worms die or live, suffering or saving oneself.

& you are thinking that you will try to think about something new so, what will people think. What happened to you. The universe doesn't care about us too many things happening here together every time in the game of like and death nothing special here we have brought fatal diseases with us since our birth. All things with us like your phone, your computer and they have also brought this disease with ourselves and that disease is death. The universe doesn't care about your universe is neither good nor bad for you it is just a fact or reality we might think today that we can never die but we forgot such a simple thing or in actual it is not really that we keep our feet everywhere very carefully we think that every little possible action has a big reaction whatever we will matter all space & time. every step is very important, the first impression is always being lasted forever. What we like is if it is outside society's system so what will people say. We never try because we that if we failed so we'll break what will peoples think

i.e Just think of a small mark, will it always be?  NO. Absolutely Never.

We are just made of stars dust in literal space & one day we have to go back there. So how this injury mark can be permanent. What are you afraid of? You all are here today like all of us and one day we will all be gone. All we have just a nanosecond in the universal clock to do whatever you need to do means the universe doesn't matter what you do but of course, you should. In fact, you should make more difference than before. If you know how tiny we are & how little time do we have or what we can do in this time so you don't spend your time doing waste that little time you have you didn't think about haters or feeling sorry for yourself. If you are 30 today then you will be 40 even one day or 70 and so on. When you were 20 and think while partying on the weekend with friends that I will always be here will be proved wrong then you will know that you are also one of the 760+ crore peoples & follow the same principles of space and time. If you have done anything wrong before or you have deep regret for anything that is keeping you behind so know this whatever you have done does not matter what you're doing only matters. We are defined just by our actions

i.e You can't be a bad person who works like a good, if you do good with a good heart then you are a good person. bad things cannot be manifested in other forms but only by doing bad things. So what does it mean to you well according to it tells that you have a little time in which you can do whatever you want it means the universe you need is doesn't care to give you, the universe you want does not even care to stop you from taking it yourself. What you do is the most important. If you want to be better in life then just do better just do because actions have only magic. People always think that this happens or will happen in the year well no one is going to give you this as a gift. Pray if you want then do hard work and take it by yourself and if you failed then what?? Big think you can write your blog and no one will read it, or you made something and no one will come to see it, you can spread or ruin your life & you can take chance and look stupid in front of everyone but what will happen nothing won't even change, We are so tiny we don't even register in this universe and our life is like a one-way train. Every string you will lose will never come back, Remember we are like that worm crossing the road we are just as the size of an atom in the universe. Our lives or deaths don't matter to the universe it only matters to us. If you want to keep your life important to yourself it only depends upon you, You cannot controls the movement of planets, You can't live forever, You cant controls or stops the expansion of the universe but you can improve your life and the life of peoples around you, If you can live by yourself for a nanosecond in this universe so you can keep your work alive for a millisecond and this will be a big change in my opinion. Stop waiting for what you want. This universe is too busy for making galaxies or destroying stars or planets. Don't be afraid if you afraid of ruining yourself then don't afraid everything you can imagine will destroy one day, We only have present time. If you have energy so that's just now if you have to do big things so you can do choice is always yours you can do and time is running out. 

This blog is just for motivation to you guys hope you understand it well, maybe it's not all according to me and my thinking about life and the universe but maybe you will understand what i wanted to tell you a little bit after reading this blog thoroughly,

Suggested Books.


-Anshul Singh.


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