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The NINE Unknown Of Samrat Ashoka

Hello Readers, This is Anshul Singh Feb's blog comes with a very interesting topic linked with our great emperor. I don't think that their is a need to give an intro to this blog, especially for we Indians because we are going to discuss about who was the emperor of the Maurya empire which is almost all the Indian subcontinent from 268 to 232 BCE.

Present-day from Afganistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east it covers the entire Indian subcontinent except for Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala. The empire's capital was Patliputra present-day Patna.

The Maurya empire is so important for us also in today's era because their secret policies are very useful even today for ruling. Our government does not obey its secret policies unnecessarily there is a huge secret behind this let me show you a glance of evidence of the Maurya Empire in today's India

Red color Represents Lands Of MAURYA EMPIRE 

This is a national emblem of our India accepted on 26 Jan 1950 with the motto satyamev jayate as an adaptation of lions capital of Ashoka. It is a 3-dimensional emblem showing 3 lions 4th is hidden on the backside, Symbolising Power, Courage, Confidence & Pride. The lion represents bravery.

                                                      NATIONAL EMBLEM OF INDIA

Another example of Maurya empires following today is Ashok Stambh or pillars of Ashoka also called pillars of religion dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent. I introduced this to readers just to realize how important the policies of the Maurya empire even today's modern India. In today's modern era our all state affairs or politics and internal affairs are based upon pillars of policies of Samrat Ashoka. A common man does not even know about it today deeply because it is highly confidential to the country to keep its policies secret for a continuing ruling. Now, lots of questions may be coming to your mind then let's start with the main topic.

By the way, Samrat Ashoka fought many wars in his life & also won but a war of Kalinga changed everything war was fought between the Maurya empire and the state of Kalinga. Kalinga was an independent kingdom located on the east coast present-day state of Odisha & the north parts of Andhra Pradesh. Kalinga war is one of the deadliest battles fought in Indian history costing nearly 300,000 lives in which 70,000 brutally injured then died & 2,30,000 deaths several thousands of horses and elephants die apart. After this when Samrat Ashoka came to know the fatal results of war. After watching the scene of war Samrat Ashoka understood that Science, Technology & Intelligence has been misused in this war. After witnessing the result of the war Samrat Ashoka Suffered from very deep grief and effects on Samrat's life or overtime his heart or personality changes. He decided to give up on wars, politics, power & the royal system.

Battle Of KALINGA 262 BCE.

After that Samraat Ashoka decided to adopt Buddhism. His heart was filled with kindness & generosity for manhood and he understands that in the future mankind will do anything to get peaks he will do good or bad according to their choice with the help of knowledge and Samrat Ashoka wants that this knowledge will not become common so that mankind will destroy itself & decided to make a secret society of NINE most intelligent people of that time in the field of Science, Politics, Warfare.

Those NINE people have most advanced knowledge of that ancient time with remarkable sources and on the command of Samrat Ashoka, those NINE convert their knowledge in NINE different books which have all information regarding their fields from rising of mankind and because this knowledge will not go into wrong hands at any cost it was decided all the characters of this society will remain highly secret and according to rules of that time it also happened this secret society continuously worked behind the sight of the normal world for spreading peace. After that in 180 BCE, the Maurya empire was finally ended with the rising of the Shunga Empire. During this time some internal peoples tried to stole Samrat Ashoka's secret policies and they came to know about the just a glance of NINE unknowns. But after so many years some of the information from Unknown NINE was leaked because of opposition revolutionaries and it is believed that that NINE Unknown decided to burn the books so that it never gone into the wrong hands but after this, some information was leaked that may be they got some of the pages of that books and this becomes the reason of start of the new era


This explains how to change the thinking of people in different ways to get a benefit and rule them. In today's world, it is used through Speeches, Media & Press & politics is originated only from this book now you can understand easily how a group of some peoples like Politicians abled rule the entire population of the country, by the way, the brain is same for all but the super-secret hidden policies behind politics made those some politicians rule on an entire country's population, and if we talk about media & press they play a strong role in the modification of people's thinking. What will people saw and hear is totally decided by that country's government and high officials so that balancing the control over the entire population what is happening in the world in reality, we can't even imagine

This was a type of science that has the power of the ability to brainwash entire humanity by their laws and regulations.


This book explains physiology at such a deep level likely it explains how to kill a person simply by touching him or her. Our body has some acupressure points by through we can do a reversal of nerve impulse gives stroke to the person results in sudden death. It is strongly believed that the Martial Arts of Judo is a result of leakage from this book. During the Empire of Ganges Khan, the knowledge of this book is leaked and then accepted in the whole dynasty currently observed in China, Japan, Tibet, the Philippines

For an example of this knowledge,


He was a living legend in his time. It is strongly believed today that he is the only one who is able to activate his power of Chi. A positive and negative electromagnetic energy flow in our body. You can find out how strong bruce lee was because he has the ability to do 1500 pushups in a row with two hands & 400 pushups in a row with one hand. He also does 200 pushups in a row with only two fingers & 100 pushups in a row with just one thumb. His one-inch punch was so famous by which he can hit 70 KG person to about 20 feet far punched by just one-inch distance, His step sidekick was so powerful by which he was able to kick a healthy 90Kg's person to incredible 60 feet far and also could kick 140 kg gunny bag to about 20 feet far. Now you can imagine the power of Chi and from where it comes from 


This book covers pinpoint knowledge of deep microbiology in which information has been given for making deadly viruses by which such fatal diseases can cause which has the ability to kill each and every living being on earth this is used in the modern era as secretly to balancing world's population as just a few grams of BOTULINUM TOXIN named virus has the ability to kill every human on earth.

I think that's enough for this because everyone today knows about CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19.

4th Book ALCHEMY.

In this book, information is given that how can we convert anything in Gold by transmutation of metals & secret knowledge of chemicals made to be immortals. It is not believed that for immortals but those chemicals can cure many diseases in the human body and helps humans to live a long life that's it.


This book explains different types of communications. This book contains some techniques or tricks by which we can able to communicate with any person in this world at any time and it was also believed that in this book there are secret techniques to communicate with extra-dimensional beings or extraterrestrial intelligence, It was believed that Europeans were able to decode some techniques of this book and then whole worlds know that ITALY was the first country which invents 1st telecommunication radio signal in 1904. Later they established SETI lab SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE. Because they used to believe that we are not alone in this universe. We Indians also believe that in that book clear instructions were given for making Vedic vimana, which we called UFOs & Flying Saucers. & Millions of peoples even today admits that they witnessed circled shaped flying machine, for example, PHOENIX LIGHTS, PROJECT BLUEBOOK, ROSEWELL CRASH but back to 1st point we only saw those things which our government wants us to see only, Now you can better understand that propaganda. and why Europeans and Americans are so advance from us now By Reverse Engineering Concepts.

Exp:- When VOYAGER-1 Enters Interstellar Space, Exactly At Same Time OUMUAMUA Enters In Solar System 

6th Book GRAVITY.

This Book has brief information about gravity info that how gravity works or how we can modify gravity according to our need. Making of Anti-Gravity Aircraft or Vedic Vimaana's was briefly explained in this book, for example, PUSHPAK VIMANA by just some info was leaked of this book and we were able to make airplanes from WRIGHT BROTHERS TO HINDENBERG OR ANTONOV AN-227 or also LOCKHEED SR-71 BLACKBIRD. Mankind achieved a lot.


This book explains the secrets of our universe it explains how space-time works with gravity and we feel that time is passing away it explained that if gravity is intense it would slow down the time nearby the rest of the universe is normal or how to travel in time or travel with the speed of light better explained in GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY. simply gravity tells space-time how to bend or space-time tells gravity how to move. much-debated topics can easily be explained by info of this book if we achieved it. for example Time Dilation, Quantum Entanglement, Parallel universe, Multiverse, Multiple Dimensions.


In this book, it was explained thoroughly that on the fundamental level of this universe why light behaves weired like photon particles behave very weird they are always in superposition and have the ability to present in two different places at the same time maybe they create wormholes through the space-time fabric at a fundamental level which gives them the ability to present at two different places at the very same time better explained in Double Slit Experiment or Quantum Entanglement. or how we can slow or fasten the time by making loops or traveling at the speed of light.


The last book contains the study of Sociology. It includes rules for the evolution of societies & means of foretelling their decline. Simply this book tells how to rule a society our Indian societies are also examples of this book. you can get the evidence of that knowledge simply by this how we are stuck in ancient rules of our societies & the one who knows all these rules will able to rule the society according to its need.

Suggested Book:

All this information is just fine exciting to Read

Thank you,

-Anshul Singh.


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