Hello readers, Hope you are all fine. This #blog gonna be in-depth that is why it is required full concentration of the reader till the end. In this blog, we'll discuss physical dimensions or strings the smallest & basic things by which physical matter particles composed of which makes our universe possible or stable likewise how it works or who controls it or what is the most basic thing which makes things possible & gives shape to matter in this infinite universe. This blog is the result of my last couple of weeks of research or analysis. This is my promise to interested readers if you tend to understand this topic, you will also start to believe that how the universe, matter, or our consciousness actually linked together or works. So Buckle up!!! Let's begin.
Have you ever thought about what is the smallest particle to make this universe? It is obvious that we all read in science books of our school times that Atoms are the smallest particles of this universe but before 19th century whole world used to think this true but in mid of 19th-century revolutionary theory introduced in the world of science is with the name of ''QUANTUM PHYSICS'' told us that there are things exists smaller than atoms i.e Electron, Neutrinos & Quarks later termed as sub-atomic particles after that everyone tends to believe that these are the smallest things of the universe Nothing can be smaller than this. This was proven by our most advance quantum science So this is the end? Never let us talk about Sub-atomic particles. What are these particles in Actual, Is there is really some kind of solid dots which makes physical matter when to combine at large quantity??? No!! Never Not at all do not link the smallest thing to physical matter. They actually are vibrations in their respective fields. Like for example What is GRAVITY? It is not just only a force but geometrical curvature in the space-time field

In the above image, you can see that how objects with mass make curvature into a given sheet that curvature is a space-time field which we called vacuum or empty space that is not empty at all it is made up of fabric units interlinked together with space & time when the massy object comes on the surface of space & time then its own gravity makes geometrical curvature on the space-time fields which cannot be seen by naked eyes but observed how mass bend time like on earth a day have 24 hours similarly a single day on the moon is 27.32 earth days 0r 655.72 hours long imagine this huge difference from where it comes from its all comes from strong gravity of earth. Moon's gravity is far lower than earth's that is why a mass of the earth makes strong gravity which bends space or time of moon overlaps gravity of the moon and locked it tidally in its gravitational field
the gravity of a larger object makes curvature in the space-time fabric
Gravitons are the particles who actually make gravity as fields just like a magnet create magnetic fields or attract similar objects & similarly there is a total of 16 fields in this universe 12 of these that is the matter from which you & me and all things that you can see, feel, touch is made and rest 4 fundamental forces of nature's fields which are GRAVITY, ELECTROMAGNETISM, STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE & WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE. Inside these fields, those vibrations make actual particles or forces likewise i.e in electron fields vibration comes from electron particles, in neutrino fields vibration comes from neutrino particles. So, Finally, this was the limit of quantum theory that we have yet to find in the above lines. It gives 16 different types of fields to the universe in which different types of 16 smallest particles are made or forces of nature. Would it really exist like this? then this will make it very difficult to unite the entire universe which we called the Theory Of Everything. But in actual reality these fields of particles and fields of forces of nature that how similar were they mathematically to each other showing that there will be only one composed field in this universe in which there is such a common thing that can manifest as particle or force of nature in the universe but then the question is same what are these fields also made of??? what could be something that is of the same size but still can transform itself in different particles or forces of nature well there is only one thing that can do it all at once. You must have seen ever that how the same type of strings releases different types of musical notes in a musical instrument such as a guitar.

Recording inside the guitar & vibrations of strings clearly visible
In the same way, the smallest thing in the universe is vibrating strings whose vibration frequency that is, how or how often they vibrate this will decide that how that string will be shown to us as a different type of particles or force of nature. Even our eyes are the measuring device that measures this frequency and then the brain processes it to make an image. All this happens due to the evolution of our millions of years. Yes, If our evolution had happened in some other way we would not be able to see these things as we are able to see today. But the fundamental basic particles still remain the same. This is the truth of the universe. This is the theory that can connect the string to the black hole called Theory Of Everything
Theory Of Evolution
When we study the mathematics of this theory so it turns out that it cannot survive in our three-dimensional universe due to its non-matching calculations or continued errors or the universe will not remain stable at all or all the things we are watching did not exist at all. I previously explained this in my wave-particle duality blog That's why shree VISHNU said that what you are observing around you with your eyes is All MAYA [Matrix] which is not reality the actual reality is far beyond this.
So, calculations come from string theory only works within the universe having at least 11 Dimensions where actually 10 dimensions of Space or 1 dimension of Time. When I read articles, web pages, research papers, or books or especially sayings of Einstein Or General Theory Of Relativity. It is clearly mentioned that other dimensions also exists rather than 3 dimensions of space and one dimension of time but they must be very tiny as strings like extremely tiny we will never willing to watch them because they are too small that photon particles of light were not able to reflect on them to reach our eyes. Light plays an important role to make us watch or observe dimensions of our world because it reflects from the surface of the object and enters our eyes but when in darkness we are not able to see anything because no light doesn't mean that in dark there is nothing exists there that's felt like a joke na??? yes it is!!! One of the special features of these short dimensions is that they are interlinked with each other at very short levels in a very strange structure at that level they also overlap each other & these structures are the keys to unlock the secrets of the universe
Dimensions overlapping to each other bending space-time
like I explained before how twists or turns of the strings of guitar produce different nodes at different frequency of sounds, In exactly the same way these tiny dimensions having twists or turns under their structural geometry is responsible for the vibrational frequency of the strings, Now this is not as much complex as it seems the theories and equations. In fact in science ideas and theories are developed on basis of observations, pieces of evidence & calculations. Now it is not possible for all of us to dream anything and we should agree that's why these ideas or theories are truly based on our calculations but these calculations not enough we just need some more physical pieces of evidence to truly prove theories & That's why right now in Large Hadron Collider by CERN which is a particle accelerator & there are a lot of experiments are going on particles to find out extra dimensions in it. In those experiments, particles are hit close to the speed of light after collision those particles produce some other sub-atomic particles which are monitored. The biggest reason behind this experiment just to know that whether the energy of that particle remains constant even after hitting or not. If the final energy is reduced even at extremely small amounts then it is quite clear that energy is absorbed by a small dimension which would be great proof of its existence.

In last I must say that if we have achieved today's civilization from where we can control pitches of sounds while playing musical instruments to produce different types of sound effect just by our some actions then it is strongly believed that in future one day we'll achieve to control on the vibrations of the strings and we will be able to modify their vibrational frequencies which will make us understand or control beyond our 3-dimensional world to 11th to 64th dimension, we will achieve to create portals through interdimensional travelling likely teleportation or beyond 4th dimension which is time & it will open the portals of the multiverse or parallel universe.
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Thanks, Readers For Your Valuable Moments.
-Anshul Singh.
Great blog Anshul Singh
ReplyDeleteHope u r also well
N keep it up
Amazing blog Anshul😍😍
ReplyDeleteWould love to read your wave particle duality blog🙌🏽
Amezing dear... Keep writing... You are awesome
ReplyDeleteAwesome anshul,Great work... keep it up👍
ReplyDeleteAmazing ...😍😍
ReplyDeleteFound it really interesting. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep doing the good work.
Beautifully written!!!