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Exploring Beyond Dimensions

Hello readers, This is Anshul Singh So, This topic is beyond most of our's imagination. Yes, it might be possible for someone or never ever exists for someone. It's all truly depends upon belief or imagination. You must have got an idea from the title that what it actually about. Everyone shouldn't have the same imagination. I must respect all the imaginers out there & I do too. So, the Main motive of the topic is to make you aware of those hidden worlds which weren't seen by naked eyes but can definitely felt in them. This is not a rocket science-like phenomenon to difficulties in understanding. But it's not that easy as well. This is the basic thing from which our universe makes us feel that a lot of stuff is unexplored yet & anything we can imagine is all rests upon this thing. The one who imagines deeply can felt the same as the unexplored world of dimensions & one thing if you read my previous blog then you will understand this without any trouble So, Let's begin

Like I explained before that string theory tells us that what is the smallest physical entity or thing in this universe & what are the things by which our universe is made of? There are so many things in this universe & how they all are different from each other i.e 'from the grain of sand to neutron stars or galaxies all are completely different from each other but all these things are bounded by the same thread at a very deep level'

That simply means there are more stars or galaxies in the universe than the grains of sand on the earth.

It is as if a brick and earthen pot are different things absolutely by means of a structure or their work to do so but as the very far deep level they composed of the same thing by which they made of, likewise, this universe is also made up by the same thing called vibrating strings whose frequency of vibrations. Strings tend to vibrate on different frequencies will choose that how the structure of the object will become like I explained in the previous blog how vibration of different strings on different nodes will produce different pitches of sound.

So the strings are so tiny as if we compare with the average width of human hair then the string is trillions-of-trillions times tiny from the width of the tip of human hair. Let's come back to dimensions so dimensions are simply mathematical space is informally defined as a minimum number of coordinates needed to specify a point in it.

Our physical universe is 3 Dimensional where the 1st Dimension is linked by two mathematical points shown in figure 1 where the 1st Dimension is to be up and down. i.e you can take an example of a tiny thread where you can access the area of the thread only upside down but it's very difficult to access its right or left where the larger the size of the object observing the dimension lesser the possibility of access the width of 1st dimension instead of upside-down Let's understand this with an example,

This wire which has major access in its upside-down state means its one dimension for us like human beings we can only access its one-dimensional state at a time because the size of an average human being is large enough to access only one dimension we already know that it has 2nd dimension in it already but it is far tiny as compared to its 1st dimension so human-only access one dimension of it. But if we take an example of a tiny ant which is far smaller than average human beings then nature gives us the ability to that living being for go through the 2nd dimension of the same thing which exists only in one dimension of us at the same time means an ant can access
more dimensions at a time exactly it can move upside down as well as right or left also to the wire
but we human only access one dimension.


if a body gets access to move upside down as well as right or left of the same thing at a time then it's called 2D or 2nd dimensional. The screen of your Phone, T.v is also the best example of 2-dimensional objects. In which anything you watch can go either up or down & right or left

This is the 2-D structure where an object can move up or down & right or left

But we are living in a 3-dimensional Universe in which we can access upside down, Right & Left as well as front and back simultaneously where 3rd-Dimension is to go forward and backward.

This 3-D structure & our whole universe is comprised of only these 3 dimensions

We all are bound in these three dimensions all the things you can see touch or feel exists within all these 3-Dimensional universes. While the 4th dimension is TIME. We can only feel this dimension moving forward continuously we cannot go back nor can access this dimension steady a single moment. We can only feel these four dimensions this is our limit. Back to the strings, I said before tiny the thing can access the tiny hidden dimensions of this universe where string theory explains that at a single moment total of 11-Dimensions exists at a time. How can two things be in different dimensions in the same world at the same time? This is not as difficult to understand as it seems

because I explained before that tiny the thing can access more dimensions at a time & only the vibrations of the strings will decide what the things will look like i.e soft, smooth, gaseous, solid, liquid. Just as the strings of the guitar vibrate differently, they can make a lot of musical sounds similarly universal strings can make different things by different vibrations. So, the universe is like a guitar which is made by just vibrating its strings at different frequencies. As MICHIO KAKU said that we have the first time in history candidate to the mind of GOD it is COSMIC MUSIC resonating through 11-Dimensions of hyperspace. It is hypothesis till now we don't have any possible physical evidence that actually proves string theory right but if we able to prove this theory by chance in the future then most probably we tend to unlock those hypothetical mysteries of the universe which are just imaginable to usw now or can get the full access of the 11-physical-dimensions but the one possible evidence we have right now today that is complex mathematical equations which give chances of those dimensions exists because those complex equations straight away give the possibility of only 11-Dimensions or equations only fits in 11-Dimensional hyperspace

But not believing in this theory is like one fish asking another fish that how dry the place looks or feels like? because no fish can imagine how dry place exists against them but not their enemy fishes can't imagine that thing in which they can't live but that doesn't mean that place is fatal for all living creatures or not exists at all. simply outside the water, it is a whole different world to a fish that is unknown or unexplored for itself.

Now back to our ancient culture or ancient Bharat I have read or understood Vedas or Puranas with deep passion & correlate shlokas with different modern theories its have been quite difficult but the end product came up with 64-dimensional possibility by overtaking hypothetical hyperspace but it is clearly mentioned that possibility of physical dimensions are only to 11th-Dimensional space but rest 53-Dimensions resides in those 11-Dimensions in some form or others.

In this, it is explained in Bramha Puran that earth lies in mid of these lokas which exists in different dimensions at the same time to balance the universe and above them supreme creator Brahma exists in SATYA LOK to watch and create these universes in different intervals.

 in AGNI PURAN Dimensions are defined as AAYAM or shortcut path to another universe and LOKAS are explained as a whole different universe where rules of physics are different or their nature also & According to BRAHMA PURAN 5th Dimensional hyperspace is that place where creator GOD Bramha exists but there is not just one Brahma but trillions of trillions Bramhas exists at once as shifting to higher dimensions multiple or parallel universe are also exists simultaneously each Brahma has the ability to create one universe. This is called the creation of the universe or Big Bang Theory in modern science. creations of Bramha is the real creation of the universe. Because the creation of the universe at a deep level is such a complex process that's why BRAMHA has 3-Heads to make the process of creation easy or controllable.

As there is not only one Bramha because of multiple universes every universe has at least one Brahma to create matter of that universe. Time acts absolutely different here because this Dimension is far different from our four dimensions.

After this comes the 6th-Dimension where VISHNU resides. They exist in 3 different types 



where Vishnu creates an element or energy then transfers it in a lower dimension to Brahma. where this element or energy is required by Brahma to create a material universe. This is called Maha-Tatva or GOD particle in modern science because this particle have the ability to shift in higher to lower dimensions at a single moment

when atoms have collided at CERN's LARGE HADRON COLLIDER at the speed of light they create infinite energy in just billion fractions of seconds but the total number of atoms not diffused with each other but shifted to another dimension by consuming a large amount of produced energy because the final amount of energy is lesser than the initial amount of energy produced then its clear that some amount of energy is definitely consumed by another dimension when atoms collide.
Cosmic Vishnu balancing universes in his cosmic dreams, every bubble is another universe with Vishnu's stuff of dreaming

Garbodhkasyi Vishnu gives an order to Brahma for creating the universe by supplying infinite elements or energy to it. that's when atomic particles collide with each other and they make subatomic particles like muons, Higgs boson, quarks. Colliding of particles creates infinite energy as the Big Bang or the creation of the universe creates

                                                                   watch it from 0:47

and then comes Kasirodhkasyi Vishnu who is merged in every element or atom of all physical material universes, this is why our ancient Hindu people used to believe that GOD is in every particle or present everywhere. when we meditate we feel this dimension in ourselves because this dimension is full of infinite energy if we are able to control ourselves to achieving these dimensions then we come out of the material illusion of this world.

Now comes the 7th Dimension which is an infinite source of knowledge likewise when we search anything on the internet but results come from different sources but managed in one big database server. In our Hindu Vedas, it is expressed as AKASHIC RECORD. This dimension contains that infinite knowledge with the help of which man goes into the category of DEITY. 

Now comes to the 8th Dimension where the physical form of GOD SHIV resides his task is to maintain the balance of lower 7-Dimensions. This is why YOGI'S do penance because every YOGI wants to attain SHIVA after getting knowledge from the 7th-Dimension. This is the only way to salvation. from the web of this materialistic universe

Now comes to 9th-Dimension which is called VAIKUNTH. Narayan resides in this dimension who maintains every dimension. The meaning of salvation is merged in this dimension. On attaining salvation every soul becomes absorbed in this dimension, perception also ends in this dimension.

Now comes to 10th-Dimension this is also called the Infinite Dimension. This is the dimension where supreme GOD exists in form of infinite energy. This is the dimension which is always existed. This known by different names in Hinduism. This is a formless infinite entity. A part of these is doing its work in every dimension. All 64 dimensions reside in some form or other dimensions. I can't explain those to you because of too much complexity. we can just explain limited by understanding our VEDAS, PURANAS, UPANISHADS

Apart from this in MAHABHARAT
when Arjun wants to see the eternal form of Shri Krishna then Krishna said Chapter 11 verse 8 of Shrimadbhagwatgeeta

After this Shri Krishna showed Arjun his vast divine form or time also stoped at this moment because Shri Krishna showed to Arjun what exists out of time.

Arjun described that incident as something like this. Arjun said I saw infinite faces with infinite eyes there are infinite hands that are holding infinite weapons, knowledge material, or every physical entity, I am delighted after watching that infinite. His face was visible everywhere and the light of 1000 suns cannot face that divine light comes from Virat roop. I saw the whole creation contained in this form. This form is spread in every direction & I did not see any end to it. I have recognized you are the unchanging truth.

Likewise, we need special glasses to watch 3D movies to experience similarly Krishna gives Arjuna divine eyes to make him enable to watch Krishna's Divine Form

                                             Inter-Dimensional Quantum Travelling

                                          How our dreams are linked with other universes

Thanks, guys to give such a deep intention to this blog read once more to understand it properly videos will help you to understand this easily

Suggested Books

Sources- Anshul Singh. 



  1. Good information dear Anshul. I am very happy to see your level of thinking.i really appreciate you

  2. Valuable blog Mr. Anshul Singh
    Specially shrimadbhagavat geeta
    Hope See much more in future keep it up

  3. Very informative and amazing write ups ,use of images and GIFs were very smart.

  4. Great content buddy ..keep it up

  5. Nice compilation brother.. Wish to see more such posts

  6. All the eleven dimensions are within our reach...The seven are inside the body and the 2 outside the body....the last 2 are the seat of god. Through bhakti, yoga, karma, these dimensions can be attained.


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