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What Is Time?

Hello readers, This is Anshul Singh. In this explanation, we will go beyond the reach of our understanding regarding TIME. Maybe it's just another dimension or maybe it's whole another thing. S, Let's unfold TIME.

How do you know about TIME? A year, or a month, days, hours, minutes, or seconds. These are all units of time formed by the specified revolution of the earth at its distance from the sun. Let's understand this with an example.

If you reach venus planet at this moment so your one day on venus will be approx 116 days 18 hours long but it doesn't apply to your age means for you the speed of time remains the same as it on the earth no matter where are you in this universe but is this happens to everyone? That is the speed of time is for us, does it apply to others as well? or time moves differently for everyone & we never observe it?

When do you observe vehicles passing on the road or highway? All this have one thing in common & that is all vehicles use the road for traveling but one thing is also different & that is the speed of those vehicles. That is how fast and slow a vehicle will run truly depends on its driver some likes to drive slow or some likes to drive fast on the road. Time is just like this road every single result you see by riding on it, in which yourself is also involved in the journey but at different speeds & this speed itself depends on the result that how fasts it wants to move in time. We see time moving at just one speed in this universe. This happens because we always see time with respect to our speed but not at its true speed & the actual reality is that time has no speed. Time is that tremendous ocean of energy using which any result decides its journey. The life we are feeling right now & things are lost & happening or we are able to see all this happening in front of us because a small part of that tremendous energy is also inside us. Which slowly discharging like a battery takes us ahead on a certain pace in life.

Moving forward in life we are able to observe only one aspect of time while there are other two aspects of time. We understand these three aspects of time with an example.

Let's suppose you are traveling at a speed of 100km/hr in your car on a highway. If you look out the window of your car at this speed in the first aspect of time. So, you observe things going backward while in reality, things are in the same place or steady but it's you who is going ahead. Same as this time is not going anywhere. It's you who travels ahead in time & because of this one thing we see that everything is happening around us. This is called momentum of result in time.

The 2nd aspect of time will show the speed of events that are going to happen in the immediate future. How fast are things going backward outside your car window it will truly depend upon the speed of your car. Faster a result travels in time faster the results around it also happens or vice-versa. This is called the Speed of results in time.

Now the third and most important aspect of time is to place everyone at their desired speed. Can you say with surety that only you are traveling alone on that entire highway? absolutely not at all. You'll only see what is happening around you or in front of you. If someone is traveling 10 KM ahead of you at the same speed as you, then you'll never see it. In the same way, if sought of one civilization started its journey by developing its existence before us in some result then it will always remain invisible to us because the time difference between the two results will always be there.

Time is not a physical thing that can be measured. It is actually energy that takes the form of some result creates it for an observer that result is actually far smaller than a grain of sand in the desert but it's part of the billions that time has created or probably still making now

Now something which I observed in our Puranas or Upanishads. It always teaches us to stop time means to meditate which can stop the flow of energy passing through an infinite source. deep meditation will lead a person to make itself steady at present movement through steady the flow of energy  from one dimension to higher dimensions or this will leads a physical body towards a single moment of time

In Mahabharata when Arjuna asked Shri Krishna ''Hey Madhav Show me what is the reality of yours I want to see the actual truth'' Then Shri Krishna showed him the vast form of Krishna with limitless faces arms weapons in hands. At that such moment TIME also stops because Shri Krishna showed Arjuna what is actually beyond or out of time

In Mahabharata when Karna asked Krishna about the threat to his life at the end stage of his life in war at that moment Krishna stop's time to explain those all things to Karana which he did to promote adharma by means of his friendship with Duryodhana.

In the lasts words of this blog, my opinion regarding time is the ultimate manifestation (Maya) & servent of formless GOD. How can be explained that thing which is infinite, birthless, deathless, formless. All such attributes explain the upper fulfilled only by the existence of TIME. But supreme GOD is beyond or out of time which Time is also accustomed to that supernatural power called GOD

Thank you guys for your patience on this blog.

Suggested Books.

जन्माष्टमी की शुबकामनाएं   जय श्री कृष्णा

Our existence is just uncertain at the moment upon the limits of TIME beyond higher dimensions the only way to achieve them is to go deep inside on one moment where energy flows steadily

Sources:- Anshul Singh.


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