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Our Future As Advanced Civilizations.

Hello readers, I am Anshul singh again back with an interesting topic titled above & most debated topic of our century in the field of deep science participating in the search of intelligent life other than earth in our amazing universe. From Microbes to Allien Intelligence between or beyond the limits of our reach as today we clearly know that size of our observable universe is 93.016 Billion Light Years & expanding. Still, why till now there is no evidence of life anywhere in this universe other than mother earth.

So, Let's Begin

SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is a non-profit organization. This institute is established in the USA. The only organization wholly dedicated to searching for extraterrestrial life in the known universe. For example, Monitoring electromagnetic radiation from the civilization of interstellar space.

The scientific investigation began shortly after the advent of radio in the early 1900s. From the point of view of the explorer or researcher. I always think that it can't be neglected that there is any intelligence or any kind of life other than earth in this massive huge universe. Look there can be two sides of these things where first is either there is really no one in this universe except us Or either if there is life in the universe other than us, then it is not intelligent enough to communicate Or it may also happen that the life other than us will be so intelligent & they have developed such technology which we do not even know how to communicate with it. There are lots of possibilities are there because our universe is so big to hold those possibilities that's why it continuously gives us surprises.

Advanced Civilization's Technology

We humans whose average lifespan is between 70 to 100 years in today's era & to keep this machine-like body running continuously during the whole life-cycle, A lot of energy is needed & not only humans but the entire life cycle on earth is based on this energy & with time humans are flaring upon the earth, we are going to need immense energy. Currently, our only source of energy is our parent star SUN. In every single second SUN releases energy at the mass-energy conversion rate of 4.263 Million Metric Tons or 384.6 Yottawatts/Second. You can imagine how big the figure is {386000000000000000000000000 Watts} per second. So much energy SUN releases into space every second. This massive amount of energy is wasted in the entire space. If we calculate the energy of SUN reaching earth so about 174 quadrillion watts or 174000000000000000 watts of energy is reaching on earth from SUN every single second.
Sun's Simulation & Amount of energy radiated by the sun to outer space.

But here the question comes, Whether we humans are able to fully utilize this energy coming from the sun or not? So, the answer is NO. What if we become able to fully utilize the SUN'S energy reaching us or its entire energy. By keeping the same thing in mind in 1964 Soviet-Russian astrophysicist named NIKOLI KARDASHEV introduced his hypothetical theory called Kardashev Scale by which we were able to measure or calculate the advancement of the civilizations with respect to time in the near or far future So, In such a situation, we currently lie at bottom of the advanced cosmic societies measured on the basis of Kardashev Scale called part of Type-1 Civilization.

Energy Consumption History of Last 100 Years

So, Exactly in this blog, I am going to introduce you to those super-advanced cosmic civilizations that largely seem to be hypothetical at the moment but with the technological advancement of last some decades. The universe has given evidence that proves the chances of the existence of those super-advanced civilizations in our known universe. 

KARDASHEV SCALE is a true hypothetical cosmic scale that is based on the energy used by any civilization in the entire universe, On the basis of this scale all the intelligent civilizations present in the entire universe their modernity is truly based on their energy consumption. Larger the energy consumption, level of advancement increases of civilization. 

Sir, NIKOLI KARDASHEV divided their scale into 3 categories Type-1 Civilization, Type-2 Civilization & Type-3 Civilization. Where this scale rests on these 3-civilizations in 1964, After 2 decades in 1984 by updating these scales Type-4, Type-5, Type-6 & TYPE-7* Civilizations are also introduced due to advancement in science & technology. 

By keeping this scale in mind if we talk about ourselves today, despite our civilization is so advanced but we have not yet become a Type-1 or Planetary civilization, and it's not even close, Then a question arises If humans don't even close to becoming Type-1 Civilization then currently where exactly humans stand on this scale. Well CARL EDWARD SAGAN was an American astronomer & cosmologist. He developed a formula taking into account the Civilization-Kaedashev rating and the energy consumption of that civilization. 

                                                        K= Civilization's Kadashev Rating
                                                        P= Power Consumed by Civilization in Watts.

When the advancement of current human civilization was measured on the basis of this scale. So, we got our civilization scale which was Type-0 Civilization, Which truly depends upon the energy taken only from the home planet but not on its full potential. Type-0 Civilization capable of handling up to 1 Megawatt of power. But in 2012 total world energy consumption was 553 exajoules which is 553✕1018. J= 153.611 TWh equivalent to the power consumption of 17.54 TW & stands 0.7244 on Sagan's Kardashev Scale. This means we are currently Type-0.7244 Civilization. 

In one conference famous scientist or cosmologist, Michio Kaku Said that humans will achieve Type-1 Civilization in the coming 100 to 200 years & similarly 1000 to 10,000 years for humans civilization to become Type-2 Civilization and 100,000 to 10,00,000 years for achieving Type-3 Civilization. If till then we humans could maintain our existence. 

Let's Simulate the achievements or technology of those coming civilizations 


When human civilization will be at the peak of Type-1 Civilization in the coming 100 to 200 years then we will have complete control over our own planet earth. We will be able to completely utilize & preserve all the energy coming from parent star SUN. We will have complete control over seasons, our all-natural resources. We will be able to make islands according to our own. In short, this civilization is just a PLANETARY CIVILIZATION.


This civilization is also called STELLAR CIVILIZATION & its level is just awesome in my point of view because the evidence of this civilization itself has been placed in front of us by the universe. Type-2 will be an interstellar civilization that will be able to utilize the full energy of its parent star the technological development of this civilization will be on a very large scale. Here we come to gigantic constructions i.e DYSON SWARM It is a gigantic structure that would be able to completely cover the giant star with rings or layers to soak its energy for the beneficial use of that civilization. This civilization will be able to consume or preserve a particular amount of energy according to their need. This civilization will have control over its entire solar system & they will be able to make any planet habitable any time in their entire solar system or also able to full control on orbits of all the planets. Let's introduce you to a piece of solid evidence that makes the chances for the existence of Type-2 Civilization in our universe more strong On 14th Oct 2015. A team of deep space astronomers from the ESA European Space Agency. They found something amazing in CYGNUS CONSTELLATION approx 1470 Light Years from Earth. The detection of the unusual light curve coming from the star named KIC-8462852 commonly known as Tabby's Star. This strongly raised speculation for the presence of the Dyson Sphere around that star. The weird thing found in this star is a lot of fall or dimming in the luminosity of the star in a rapid time interval. This decline was estimated between 20-22%  Even if a JUPITER like a huge planet passes in front of a particular star. So, That planet will also be able to reduce the luminosity of that star by just 1 to 2%. Then what is the object that causes a 22% drop in the luminosity of this star, Astronomers tried their best by giving their own theories just to find the reality of this but no one has been able to to give solid proof of the huge fall in the luminosity of this star. Many astronomers like FREEMAN DYSON even said that Type-2 civilization is made that giant sculpture named DYSON SPHERE around that star and abled to consume 100% energy of that star to feed on energy taken from that star for their survival in this universe. But it's too early to say anything regarding this.

Hypothetical Dyson Sphere Around Sun Utilising 100% Energy


A study conducted in 2015 at SETI where astronomers came to the conclusion that the existence of Type-3 Civilization in our local universe is very rear or maybe it just doesn't exist, If such a civilization does exist then they have access beyond the galactic level, Officially named as GALACTIC CIVILIZATION. This civilization will be so advanced that it will be able to control or consume the full energy of an entire galaxy. Galaxies of the local universe will be like playgrounds for them. Because this civilization will be able to travel from one galaxy to another with the speed of light or with such advanced techniques like WARP-DRIVE. Planets will be just like building blocks for them. This civilization is capable to move planets from one solar system to another and have full control over their trajectory. It will also be able to merge stars or two solar systems, absorb the energy of a SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION & ability to create just a new star. If in the future human civilization has reached this level of technological advancement then today we probably cannot even guess on what level that period will be, well sir NIKOLI KARDASHEV introduced only 3 types of civilization who truly stands on their KARDASHEV SCALE at that time.

But, by moving up. This scale introduced TYPE-4, TYPE-5, TYPE-6 & TYPE-7 CIVILIZATION.



Type-4 Civilization tells us that this civilization will be able to harness the energy of its entire universe & will be called UNIVERSAL CIVILIZATION. The reachability of this civilization will be super galactic. This civilization will be able to access any side of the entire universe in any time period.


This civilization will be one level more advanced than the previous one because this civilization will have access to multiple universes [MULTIVERSE] & Parallel universes. They take or utilize power from Multiverses. This civilization will be only the civilization from the above 4 civilizations that will be able to leave its current universe and access the whole universe at any time period.

Hyperspace Or Multiverse


When we discuss this Civilization then we are talking directly about GOD, I must say. Because this civilization is direct capable to complete control of SPACE & TIME fabric. This civilization will be fully capable of creating the new universe or destroying the old one.



Upon this civilization, current humans cannot even imagine that how advanced this civilization will be & what will be able to do. 

If one of the readers can imagine beyond Type-7 civilization then please share your views.

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आवश्यक है यही ब्रमांड का नियम है
                                              नटराज शिव पुराण|

Suggested Books.

Sources- Anshul Singh.


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