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Who was the first consciousness, Inside the eternity.

Hello, Readers after 3 months of a long time I came up again with an interesting topic. Actually, before starting I also want to share with you guys how this thing came to my mind that who was the first consciousness inside eternity or why & how the first consciousness arises inside the eternity So, let's start with the topic.

All this starts with the thing that came to my mind when I went to visit a lake last week & I sat at a point there I saw lots of different birds are playing, domestic animals sitting inside & outside of water. After sitting there for a while I got up from there and went to another place. There were lots of stones scattered over there then after I picked up a stone & threw it in the water but before that, the water was completely calm, After throwing my stone a chain of waves starts from the middle of the point which is circular in shape & becomes bigger with time and at the end those waves collide with the shore and get destroyed and as far as I know you must have done this at some point of your life. 

Tesseract of space-time fabric and a celestial body makes changes in the fabric due to its gravity and motion.

      Celestial bodies bound with gravity & cause changes in between the fabric of space and time 

If we look at every wave of water by connecting it to the universe, the solar system, earth & the life born on it. So, in every event, you will find a sequence i.e. First The Big Bang then after the Expansion of the universe, then cooling of the universe, then the formation of planets by the flow of gravity, formation of our parent star SUN & celestial events, Earth's atmosphere and water stagnation & then beginning of an endless chain of life.

Evolution of life on universal scale

                                   Simulation of Cosmic Ocean

In the same way, each wave or every event constantly erupts and makes new changes along with new formations, the evolution of life born on earth riding on such a wave & these changes in the universe will go on for eternity maybe until these waves collide with the last shore of time and get destroyed.

Now comes the biggest question i.e. After the formation of the universe who was the first stone pelter in space & time i.e. who started the flow of these waves & those events which laid down the foundation of our life from this universe means who was the first consciousness who changed the sense of time & started the birth of endless chain.

TIME is a very complicated subject whose definition is different for every result in this universe i.e. every result sees time in the same way as the speed of time for that result.

For example: If the speed of time for you is ONE then you will be able to observe only those results which have the same speed of time as you. This effect of speed of time is also responsible for the existence of each result & the continuous changes in the observer's life.

If a person is 25 years old & his birthday falls on 6th march then if the time stops for that person on the night of 5th march at 11:59:59 PM So, will that person ever be 26 years old?

Even with the difference of 1 second regardless of the time, he will never be 26 years old and with this, his consciousness, memories & karma will stop. So, here we can say that energy that fulfills any results shows the movement of time. As long this flow is there the result in a change of life events, deeds & consciousness is also possible & if we are able to stop this flow then the flow of time will also stop and only energy will remain with no change in nature which is the true definition of ETERNITY.

Exactly this form of energy has been given the name of GOD in religions, which means there was a time when our universe, earth & the energy that gave birth to our consciousness have steady in nature and do not have any flow just like calm water. But at one point there was a movement of energy flow in some corner just like the movement of the water when the stone is thrown in the water & this movement created change in the flow of time which is flowing through that energy likewise the waves rising when the stone is thrown in the water.

                                                                       Droste Effect

This flow was the beginning of time which later created new changes in energy & gave rise to new results and it also includes evolution on earth, you can understand this warp between energy and time by standing between two mirrors in a room where you'll see the reflection of you in every mirror till infinity. This is generally called the Droste effect.

But if we turn off all the lights in that room. So you are still there but this time you will neither see those mirrors nor the eternal reflection distributed in them. So here light acts as a change in sense of time, you are energy & mirrors are the physical world in which each result flowing under the influence of time watching its own reflection. To reach the starting point of the first consciousness and time we need to find the one who switches on this light.

              Waves caused in fabric of eternity same as when a stone is thrown in calm water

So when no change was possible in this eternity. It was neither universe nor dimensions, earth & life exists then suddenly there was a stir in some thread of eternity, this movement was the beginning of the new cause for a new & first consciousness which exactly acted like a stone and this also created hurdles for the flow of time in rest of the threads and after this new cause starts taking birth like the waves rise after throwing a stone in calm water & the journey pf new creations began, So we can consider that stone was the first consciousness who started the chain of changes in space-time fabric but the main question is from where is first cause comes from. when everything was stable in eternity then who created the first stir.

This can be happen something like this if a person gets whole power, fame & wealth of this planet whatever person can imagine other than this meaning but still after a desire born which you still can't fulfill even after having too much wealth, fame or power like time travel & immortality.

Cosmic Vishnu on the shoreless cosmic ocean watching & balancing multiverse & eternity in his #yognidra

How the time spent in energy affects its cause & gives birth to results and events every moment. what is eternity & did anything exist before our universe or our universe is just the part or beginning of infinite creation. 

The above lines will be explained in the latter part of my blogs. 

Thank you guys to give deep attention to this blog. I tried to explain as simple as I can but this topic itself is confined in the fabric of space & time I must say.

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  1. Thanku anshul for your valuable time

  2. This is really very informative and useful leading to more interest in eternity.... Really thankful for sharing such valuable things 😊

  3. Ur concept of ripples in water in relation with first consciousness is good and relating consciousness with change of time was a good addressing. As the subjective time can be changed with manipulation of consciousness through meditation. In my opinion consciousness is space-time fabric present in each person and thoughts are the stones that create ripples which makes cause & effect and continues the waves. The overall explanation was very good.


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