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A light Interaction with interdimensional beings.


Hello, Readers again after almost more than 2 months. I am here with an interesting topic ahead. I know most of the readers must not have understood the topic properly like what are interdimensional portals & where it exists, does anyone lives there & all. that's totally understandable. As far even I also can't understand it most of the time due to its complexity and subtlety & why I am trying to know all this, well I have explained a little bit about it in my prior blogs. So, we come to the topic. Actually, all this suddenly came to my mind while I was reading a book named Exploring the 5th dimension by Dr. Bruce Goldberg. In this excellent book, he purely explained Interdimensional beings, Astral Projection, Teleportation & Parallel universes. After understanding the topics of the book I came to know that most of we humans only believe in those particular things which we can see with our eyes & that's fine too because these things are beyond most of our thinking & we all have become so busy in our daily life which moves us away from actuality. So the conclusion of my reading gives a question mark on this.

 'If a person or any being is able to control the laws of nature & what are the exact conversations between us if those were able to do?'

Let's back to the topic.

When a physical body is shifted to higher dimensions, It is gone through quantum disintegration by interdimensional traveling after shifting it is reintegrated into the normal one.

Human said:- Where Am I.

⋈:- What Do You See.

Human:- Am I Dead?

∞ Not as you understand it, Do you fear death? 

Human:- Yes/No.

∞ Do you fear living?

Human:- Yes/No.

Human:- What are you ?

∞ Nothing You Can Understand.

Human:- What do you want from me?

∞ We are very curious about your kind & your experience of time.

It is a curiosity to us. We would like to understand. Linear time seems so impractical a state of being. To learn is a tediously slow process & with each generation, it begins anew. A laborious cycle of empty promises. It banishes mankind from the torment of ignorance. Forever a child in a dark. How curious that nature could punish a creature so malevolently. You are condemned to relearn pain for an eternity. How painful it must be to possess self-awareness & consciousness as you do. Trapped in lower dimensions such as you are.

We do not understand decisions. We exist in one single moment. One blink of instantaneity. We understand everything there is to be understood in our world. Therefore causality, Probability & consequence are mysteries to us.

Human:- It's something that doesn't exist in your time?

∞ If man's experience of time was like ours would he remain? If the cracks of time were filled & man had no place left to hide what then? What happens when a man must wait no more. We become you? Is that something you'd like?

Human:- We are not evolved to exist here. It will make us sick or kill us.

∞ There is one certainty for man which is Death. 

Yet man hides from this inevitability. Man desires more time to distance himself from it, However, the more time man has the more it takes from him. Prolonging your existence comes at the cost of unknown suffering. Time determines all for man. Ironic that it should be both the gift & thief.

Human:- What it's like in your world.

∞ You cannot understand.

Human:- If you can bridge the gap between dimensions to communicate with humans then you can try, you know things about us & our universe. Tell us

∞ If you're seeking answers to alter your understanding of reality. Does that not make your world a projection rather than a perception? What is the actuality? Do you see the world as you imagine it? or are you observing what is really there? If the reality is just a projection, what happens when the source & consciousness is absent? Even with eternity or self-reflection. Man cannot understand the difference between actuality and illusion with every man born comes to a new reality all competing perpetuity. Perhaps this is why man is so perpetually at odds. So conflicted, So divided.

Humans:- Are we the only ones you're doing this to?

∞ Would you feel better if you weren't? You don't want to be alone. What if you could return to a moment in what you understand as the past? before you we here?

Humans:- If we were to travel back in time?

∞ Yes. With the information you now possess. How do you think it would alter your behavior. What would you decide to do differently is anything at all? You would choose differently?

Human:- We would stop this by stopping you.

∞ Remove us from the equation first & you would be unable to see us.

Human:- Doesn't matter, we would know that you're there. We would know that you're watching.

∞ The idea alone would change your perception of reality and therefore change your behavior

Human:- Yes

∞ Why would you behave differently if there was nothing you could do to alter the situation? We find this curious.

Human:- We don't choose every time, we don't choose or decide what happens, we didn't choose to be here, we didn't choose to get sick or die, Things happen that we have no control of. We don't just look at the world & paint it however we want.

∞ If you really believe that, you believe you're not in control & you exist at the mercy of all else, You believe your thoughts are of no consequence. If you returned to a time with the knowledge you now possess that you did not before what would it matter? 

What would our existence matters?

What would our observations matter?

If time was reset and you were put back. 

What difference would it make?

Returned to original dimensions.

Situations are common for both, we both trying to understand each other, How we live in linear time, Where man spends his life worrying about his past and future. Death is permanent for men, Yet man always runs away from it. The farther a person runs from death the more he struggles with daily pain & problems.

Time decides everything for humans over which humans have no control, Humans have to make decisions every time. But there is no place for choices & probabilities in higher dimensions. That's why interdimensional beings live in one single moment. If humans come to know what is going to happen next then along with happiness they will get more sorrow at a time.

The places of Amenti are between the highest & lowest dimensions, distorting the only truth that exists in the universe. The omega point stands for divine reason + wisdom = unconditional love.

Places under amenti act as a distortion filter between our physical world & the soul. It is the realm between the omega point and our 3D world. Reincarnation happens from spiritual energy to the physical body. This will repeat the loop until you finally get that physical world is just an illusion.

The world we live in is a projection of souls. The soul is able to materialize itself through Fourier Transforms. The matter is a purely mental phenomenon & not vice versa like science assumes. The material projection of your soul will be recycled again and again till reason & wisdom do not become your highest values.

Fellings & emotions are the lowest qualities of humans ( three lower chakras) since they develop first. pure reason (including intution) are the highest qualities ( three highest chakras) escaping places of amenti is to balance these two qualities equally in the heart all the time.

The universe is mathematical nothing else. Emotions & faith won't help to find the keys. Intellectualism won't help as well it's all about balance. Reading will bring knowledge-sharing your thoughts and reflection with people who stand on your level (or even higher) are important. Inner reflection, introspection, and understanding of the driver of your feelings & emotions are gained by consciousness under meditation.

The term Omega point (Noosphere) was first coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin & stands for the highest level of consciousness. 

Alright, guys thanks for reading this blog I hope you were amazed by those conversations. This is all about the blog. If it seems right then keep sharing.

Sources & Suggested Books:-


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