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Why nature made a change indispensable ?

Hello, Readers. It has been a long time, and I came back with a short but interesting topic ahead. Maybe it is related to the life of all of us somewhere. In this topic, I have started with delicate principles of nature like why any state changes its form or why changes happen. 

                                                    Everything is changing around us.

Let me explain to you guys by awesome examples of nature. As we all know that anything in nature has its own two sides & if you take a look around you will see that with time everything changes. Yes, the speed of change can be more or less than normal because our senses give more attention to the context in which change is happening quickly or more than normal. Let me make it a bit easier with the example below.

As we all know that on earth's current time half of the planet is in the night region and similarly rest is in the day region. But the thing to note is that change happens in only one place. Like when the light coming from the sun is illuminating the front part of the earth, at the same time the rest part of the earth is dark. It means the change on any one side makes an equal change on the opposite side. Like there is a piece of metal having a majority of two sides & if we write heads on any one side of it, then the other side of the metal will automatically be considered as the same tail whether the tails wrote or not on another side.

Similarly, the opposite side of every stage of life is always visible to someone else somewhere. As if it is happiness in your life currently. So, its opposite condition will appear to someone else & when we do our work by observing these conditions then in a form of new change these conditions continue to exchange the sequence of changes in our life, earth & universe and in the same way this life, nature & universe is constantly changing, where each change according to work done carries forward the chain of changes

When we watch a movie in the cinema it projects a series of still frames one after the other but we perceive it as continuous motion because the time interval in between each motion is extremely less as it is linked with the time scale. Until our brain realizes that we are watching a series of pictures but before that happens a new picture is projected a bunch of pictures in ascending order & this sequence continues like this similarly to make our senses or brain feel it more real by putting sounds in it. So, in reality, all we are watching there are already happened in past but still, our senses make us believe that everything happens in real-time by changing our moods, and emotions at the different time intervals of the movie.

Every moment in forwarding is recorded in reel & when it is played in ascending order in compilation with the sound it seems to be real but in actual reality, there is a bunch of pictures are moving forward in a specified manner with sound & it makes the movie and our eyes process it as a video and enjoy it but mind ignores those small changes behind the reels which make that video to be possible actually by evolution our senses are developed in a way to recognize a particular type of change not too fast or not too slow but our mind didn't recognize that it was just moving a bunch of images which are changes instantly with sound effects.

And here is the point that I want to convey to you guys like how a bunch of pictures and relatable sounds which are prerecorded in past can give us the expression, mood, thinking, and behavior change on a real-time basis in the present while watching it (movie)

If we give a look at nature we will observe everything is changing & even if a tree is cut down, a petal of life comes out from its trunk, and many more live by its seeds

But in the case of humans, there is a little difference. Out of ignorance man had given importance to only those things which can satisfy human senses and give happiness. But similarly in the opposite side to this most humans never tried to know like if we saw nature in autumn we observe trees losing their leaves similarly humans loose hope and happiness sometimes but at the same time we have to accept autumn will not last forever it comes for a new change like bringing spring to nature. So for new spring nature also have to go through autumn. Hence sequence of all chains changes with time in our universe. Time plays an important role here, during moving pictures in reels with sound seems so real similarly to nature changing seasons with time.

Thanks, guys that's all in this blog. I had just tried to convey to you the role of change in between happiness and sorrow during our lifecycles like how the thin link of the terminator line changes the difference between day or night time on earth.


Sources:- Anshul Singh.


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