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What if AI (Artificial Intelligence) becomes fully conscious ?

NOTE:- Apart from सनातन, The Majority of the information discussed in this blog like Artificial intelligence is totally based on theories, not on facts

 Hello Readers, First of all, best wishes for 2023 to all of you. This time I thought that with the new year let's come up with an interesting and totally different topic for the blog & i.e AI Artificial Intelligence I know all of you must have heard about it once, not a lot but a little bit because it is still in the developing stage and not fully programmed and developed. This is a totally new technology that will give some question marks to science as well as to humans' upcoming future also because we are on the way to developing the artificial consciousness that will fully able to think and react completely by itself. So, far it sounds like a lot. It is the nature of humans that the one who listens & serves us we naturally feel hopeful toward it and considering this as the base, Artificial intelligence is being developed.

So, In this blog, I will try to put my doubt and concerns regarding various questions like why we are developing artificial intelligence even knowing that it may be resulting in the biggest disaster to humanity & its benefits till now.

Remember the time when there was no internet no computers, mobile phones, or any digital gadget. At that time people used to send letters to communicate with distant people then humans started to understand they are the most intelligent and unique in the whole animal kingdom and with this humans slowly started using other animals to fulfill their purposes and by doing this they upgraded themselves i.e pigeons for letters, horses for transportation, leisure & work.

We, humans, had made machines that subsequently reduced human physical effort to very low & with that machines are continuously developed with time & one machine can do the work of 1000 people that's why we made machines & now the question assizes that we had reduced human physical effort a lot but what about humans mental effort. For the past 3 to 5 decades humans are continuously working on reducing physical efforts by making machines and it is the result of high mental effort. That's why we can witness today's technology is far more advanced over the past 50 decades & all this is done with the help of human mental effort or all this is done to reduce humans physical effort and successfully achieved it. But in the case of reducing mental effort, only a few works are done that's why stress, anxiety, and depression are on top in today's generation.

When it comes to introducing totally different technology which is specially introduced to reduce human mental effort.& there comes AI (Artificial Intelligence) 

Artificial Intelligence has been developing for a long time & nowadays it is preinstalled in almost every device we are using from smartphones to laptops and TVs. As A I is developing very rapidly by this we can predict that A I can be so strong in the future that it's very possible in the future if a person searching something on the internet i.e person searches for any product on the internet & by evaluating person's search history A I can automatically show product based ads to the person & I can strongly say it might have happened to you many times too. This is a small example that what A I can actually do

Now, Let's come to what AI can actually do.

1. D-Fakes or Deep Fakes.

D-fakes are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else's likeness. While the act of creating fake content is not new, deep fakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content that can more easily deceive. The main machine learning methods used to create deep fakes are based on deep learning and involve training generative neural network architectures, such as autoencoders, or generative adversarial networks (GANs).

Deep fakes have widespread attention for their potential use in creating fake news, hoaxes, bullying, financial fraud, etc. This has elicited responses from both industries as well as the government to detect and limit their use.

     Watch the above video & you'll surely understand how dangerous D-fake videos can be

You guys may still believe that this is a 100% real video & nothing wrong with this video, if you can also ask any higher government official of any country they will also say the same thing that the president of any country will never say such type of things, especially in public, Now you can imagine how real the D-fakes looks & D-fakes are completely generated through AI Artificial Intelligence.

Now, Imagine a D-fake of the president or prime minister of any country is created in which basically he is saying or giving commands that he is going to launch Nukes on another rival country & at the same time leaked, or went viral on the internet and similarly how terrific situation it will create among the normal public of the country & reacting to that video other country launches counter nukes in hastiness under chaos by just thinking that the whole situation may be real. Now Imagine a whole scenario.

Can AI cause war? 

Is there any possibility?

Apparently NO, today this technology is totally under the control of the government, But we never know what will happen in the future because the only way to prevent a leak is a small and efficient unit.

Watch this video and then, think how far can AI will reach beyond our current imagination if it becomes totally self-dependable.

2. Loab Image

AI Becomes very intelligent in image processing from the very beginning & with time developers also made AI in such a way that AI can capture natural human emotions i.e facial gestures and similar activities to make the end image completely like the original face by reading and processing current human face recognition, gestures, other emotions and all small changes. At an advanced level, image processing AI programmers noticed that after processing a single image for each possible generation, a similar image pops up every time & the last or final generated image is somehow made creepy every time by AI we never know why it happens every time but I think from when AI starts capturing human emotions or gesture,s, etc it process the image in such a way to clarify all hidden emotions of captured human faces and process it in the final image. Generally, people don't show their hidden emotions openly. 

We had already developed a system that can detect our emotions, and situations on the basis of current information.

For a pattern to repeat in software that is so random who generates a picture & that single picture will never be shown again but in all AI image processing software, Loab images pop up always last. This is so rear also, especially in versatile software like AI. Because the final Loab or images are quite disturbing for a normal person. There are many AI software that aims to capture human emotions on their own like happiness, sadness, and loneliness.

                              Rock, Papers, Scissors & SHOOT, AI to dominate the human race

So, basically AI putting its intelligence to trigger our emotions and capture them, There is another thing. Our human brain is biologically programmed in such a way that if we see something very disturbing this does not happen in the case of hearing but if we see & watch something very disturbing so that can cause brain damage to some level & when brain damage increases too much that can cause mental illness or cerebral injury and in extreme cases death is also reported.

The root cause of brain damage is seeing and watching too many disturbing things. Let me give you guys an example

Bird Box is a science fiction series released in 2018. Basically, in this series, there are some hidden entities or spirits, and when normal humans come into the influential area of their energies or watched them suddenly people start losing their minds and all of their senses do not work properly at that time & they go insane at the time. They started doing random unnatural activities by hurting themselves & end up dead.

In the entire series, those negative entities or energies are not shown in a particular pattern. People do not know that watching what they are going intense mad or losing their senses.

I will show you a picture & just identify the things in that picture, there are a lot of things in the picture but try to identify just one thing in the picture that lasts until you are completely sure and confidently tell this is the thing in that picture.

Felt a little bit confused or disturbed? If yes, then it is because the majority couldn't identify any of these things that this thing is surely this & it's very possible some people can identify a bit of the thing in the picture but after a while when you see this picture you'll start seeing something else. It was just a simple picture that holds the capability to confuse humans.

This happens many times in our real life also when we see something from a distance it appears to us differently & when we come close it appears different. I'm sure this must happen to you at any time in any past period of your life.


AI can possibly develop this kind of picture in the future by knowing how to capture and trigger human emotion very well, Now imagine in the coming future if AI becomes that much smart and it develops a set of images in which some of the images like recommendations, etc containing one pic which is totally different from other and intentionally developed by AI to trigger human emotions at an insane level to give them very hard brain damage to the week hearted peoples so that they lose control over their brain or die immediately. If that picture is in the compilation of a bunch of images in a video or has the capability to give hard brain damage to people some of the people watching die immediately like die watching that video at 2 minutes because that picture comes at 2 minutes of the whole video. After that person dies that video keeps playing & the user is not switching to another video until or unless that video ends then smart servers of that video platform in which it is running like youtube will observe that the majority of the public is watching that whole video without switching to another one and then platform start recommending that video to other users because that is how youtube works.

                                                                         AI Vs Nukes

most watched video is also the most recommended one, The more you watch a whole video, the more platform will promote it, Now imagine that video went viral over youtube around the world & this is just an example of a youtube platform because we have to click on video intentionally to watch that video, Imagine Instagram or meta platforms where by just scrolling over reels that picture appears in front of you like how adds appears when you visit public websites & AI is that much smart like if people will realize on some time extent that there is a picture spreading over the internet which is causing chaos till then AI will make hundreds or thousands of lakhs similar images to replace one over another in recommendations by creating a loop that will never end.

Now think by yourself if you get to know about this kind of news, will you dare to use your laptop or phone, or TV. Social media is very far away. We will have to shut down the entire internet to stop spreading this & the way in which AI is developing the changes of these kinds of malfunctions are on top of the lists.

Now finally comes the eternal truth of सनातन धर्म

As we all know that Brahmadev is the creator of the materialistic universe & during the formation of the universe Brahmadev needs an infinite source of energy & that infinity he gets from adi-yogi (shiva) the shakti Roopa of shiva is that energy which is required to formation of each and every particle of this universe and similarly the process is far complex that's why Brahmadev had 5 heads once representing the पंच तत्व which are पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु और आकाश which are embedded in each and every particle of this universe & to make such things is not a simple task it is just like complex programming that developer had to do for make any software and also it's not a matter of just single head of Brahmadev that's why he had 5 heads once to make the process of formation of the universe under control. 

All this is similar to how today's smart devices use GPU (Graphics processing unit) CPU (Central Processing Unit) IC (Integrated Circuit) RAM and all together process a program to make sure all things will run smoothly. Similarly, Brahmadev needs to use all his 5 heads at once to make all the complex matter of this universe from particles to stars. But after creating the universe  Brahmadev became proud that I had created everything, so I will control everything. Basically, he wants to get full control over the universe & because of this mistake, Brahma dev adi-yogi (shiva) had to cut off his 5th head from where Brahmadev developed all these misperceptions & egos.

Now imagine will AI not work in this way if it becomes artificially conscious and gets full control over the internet. Humans are also biologically programmed in such a way that if you give a device to a person and at the same time give 100% access to it then the person will start using that device according to his choice, a person starts changing the programs, codes, programming patterns according to him and if it will not be stopped on time this will lead to chaos or complete destruction of human race

Thanks, guys for your patience with this blog.

Suggested Readings,

Sources:- Anshul Singh.


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